15-day plan for learning Basic Arabic
with each session lasting one hour
Day 1: Introduction to Arabic Alphabet
- Learn: The 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet, their sounds, and their written forms.
- Practice: Writing the letters and pronouncing them correctly.
Day 2: Basic Greetings and Introductions
- Learn: Common greetings (e.g., "Hello" – مرحبا, "Goodbye" – مع السلامة) and introductions (e.g., "My name is..." – اسمي...).
- Practice: Simple conversations with greetings and introductions.
Day 3: Numbers and Counting
- Learn: Numbers 1-20 in Arabic.
- Practice: Counting objects and saying your age in Arabic.
Day 4: Days of the Week and Months
- Learn: Days of the week and months of the year in Arabic.
- Practice: Creating sentences using the days and months.
Day 5: Basic Pronouns and Verbs
- Learn: Personal pronouns (e.g., I – أنا, You – أنت) and basic verbs (e.g., to be – يكون, to have – لديه).
- Practice: Forming simple sentences using pronouns and verbs.
Day 6: Simple Sentences and Questions
- Learn: Structure of basic sentences and how to ask simple questions.
- Practice: Writing and practicing short dialogues.
Day 7: Common Phrases for Everyday Use
- Learn: Essential phrases for everyday conversations (e.g., "How are you?" – كيف حالك؟, "Thank you" – شكرا).
- Practice: Using these phrases in context.
Day 8: Vocabulary for Family and Friends
- Learn: Words related to family members and friends (e.g., father – أب, friend – صديق).
- Practice: Introducing your family and friends in Arabic.
Day 9: Food and Drink Vocabulary
- Learn: Names of common foods and drinks.
- Practice: Ordering food and drink in a restaurant scenario.
Day 10: Colors and Descriptions
- Learn: Names of colors and basic descriptive adjectives (e.g., big – كبير, small – صغير).
- Practice: Describing objects using colors and adjectives.
Day 11: Directions and Locations
- Learn: Words and phrases for giving and asking for directions.
- Practice: Asking for and giving directions in Arabic.
Day 12: Time and Date Expressions
- Learn: How to tell time and express dates in Arabic.
- Practice: Talking about your daily schedule.
Day 13: Basic Shopping Vocabulary
- **Learn**: Common phrases and vocabulary for shopping (e.g., "How much?" – بكم؟, "I would like to buy..." – أود أن أشتري...).
- Practice: Simulating shopping conversations.
Day 14: Cultural Phrases and Etiquette
- Learn: Important cultural phrases and etiquette tips for interacting with Arabic speakers.
- Practice: Role-playing different social scenarios.
Day 15: Review and Practice
- Review: All the topics covered over the past 14 days.
- Practice: Engaging in longer conversations and writing short paragraphs.
Enjoy your journey into Arabic! 🌟
- Teacher: Site Owner